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Monday, August 13, 2007

Island Mauby

Contains water, brown sugar, mauby bark and spices.

The only "Mauby" I ever heard of before I saw this drink was Robert Townsend's character from The Mighty Quinn. Then one day my boyfriend brought home a plastic soda bottle full of something he was calling Mauby and said was made from tree bark. He got it at work where sometimes people bring in or sell their homemade foodstuff. Unfortunately we never tried it (I know I know, I regret it) so I don't know how the homemade stuff stands up to this kind, which is made here in St. Maarten. This bottled kind is tasty, the spices remind me of root beer or eggnog or both! It is sort of fermented and exploded when I opened the bottle. My next plan is to try Mauby when I go to the Ital shack. I will make a follow-up report at that time.

(This is interesting stuff, right? Are you glad you stopped by? What, you want something else? OK how 'bout some Mauby links)

Wikipedia, Slakethirst, Recipe from the Trinidad Guardian, Recipe from the Virgin Islands, a short article with an excellent photo

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