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Friday, August 17, 2007

Inspirations in the Orange Grove Shopping Center

Orange Grove Shopping Center
Cole Bay
St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

This shop was opened close to 10 years ago. I think it may be a franchise of a Netherlands store, I am not sure, but on occasion they publish a circular with savings. If you are an American and feeling Martha Stewart-ish, this place is great because they sell European cleaning implements, perhaps not better than what we are used to but exotic for sure! I got a rug-beater there, not wicker as Martha would want but plastic (yet well made and hearty I assure you Martha!). They also sell lots of candles, fake flowers and their accoutrements, kitchen items (I got some beautiful demitasse spoons there once). All in all a fun place to browse for those of us with there-is-no-mall-here-and-I-need-to-shop fever, or if you are looking for a small present for someone.

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